Thursday, February 1, 2007

wow - No one cares

No one seems to care. No comments up to this point. I guess I'll have to keep blogging and hope that eventually someone picks this up. I'm sure at least someone will care if it happens to them.

By the way, if you want to know what I'm talking about, you should start reading here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My friend had the same problem. He was from India and ETS refused him a seat in the examination. He had a drivers license, but ETS would not budge, and would not refund or postpone.

Actually ETS people have a small fine printed footnote for citizens of Indian subcontinent that passport is the only source of identification. But they should mention it properly, or atleast be helpful.

Anyhow, this is liable to be sued one day as ETS has no business/authority demanding passport from their customers for identification in Indian Soil. If only someone had the time and money...